A few days ago, I attended a lecture at IFSAK(Istanbul) by Aclan Uraz on photography. It was a very basic course but extremely interesting, thanks to his intensity and precision. At one point, he said that one could guess the character of a photographer just by looking at his use of lenses. He associated wide-angle/deep focus photography with extroversion, and telephoto/narrow depth of field with introversion...noting, of course, that this is not a law but a generalization. Still, food for thought.
Uraz himself is a very(to repeat myself) intense character, a bit unpredictable, terribly intelligent, and at times irritating for these very reasons. So I decided to look up some of his photography online: What a wonderful discovery! I guess Uraz's rule works also the other way around: One could guess a photographer's art by simply observing his character.
Here's an interview and some more pics of his from the "Children Workers" series.